Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master and Intuitive Card Reader.

Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Card Reader.

Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Card Reader.

Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Card Reader.

Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Card Reader.

Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Card Reader.

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experience the power of reiki

If you’re looking for an effective and therapeutic way to relax, self-heal, and balance mind, body and spirit, Reiki is a gentle yet powerful holistic tool. My Reiki treatments and training courses are designed to enable and support you to achieve your ultimate wellbeing on all levels. 


See below for in-person Reiki training course dates and veues. Alternatively, if you wish to study Reiki training online, please visit Stella Grace Holistics Online School at: 

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is simply energy that is within and around all living things. ‘Rei’ means ‘universal’ and ‘Ki’ means ‘life force energy’. We all have it, are it, and are surrounded by it. It is not mystical in terms of being complex or beyond our reach, however it has been misunderstood in much of the Western world because it is not widely seen or measured.


Science is, of course, now changing this by already having proven that everything is energy, vibrating at different rates of frequency. Reiki gives us the opportunity to intentionally tap into that universal life force energy for healing purposes, which is a very powerful force, as it is the force that drives life itself. It is not a religion or doctrine, yet it has an application into daily life for the highest purpose of wellbeing for both those who seek it and those who share it.


Reiki works with the body’s own healing system to reduce healing time and enhance health on all levels and it does not interfere with other healthcare modalities or medical treatment. The practitioner is a channel for Reiki and when appropriately trained, initiated, and attuned, does not consciously interfere with the healing outcomes of the treatment. Needless to say, effective Practitioners and Master Teachers are only coming from an intention of being of true service.


The person channelling Reiki has learnt not to get in the way of how the healing takes place, or how that might transpire in the future for an individual. There is a simple trust in the outcome that it is for the client’s highest good and the client will receive what they need.


Reiki is a tool for use at any moment or any time in life for self-healing and for healing others. It is great for reducing stress levels, relaxation, assisting and managing pain-relief, and boosting energy. It assists on mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Reiki is a great holistic self-help technique that stems from long revered ancient and sacred wisdom that we have the opportunity to access at this time. By following the steps taught by an appropriately trained Reiki Master Teacher, anyone is able to share and direct Reiki to meet individual needs when coming from the right intention of the highest good of themselves and others.

What to expect during a treatment

Reiki is channelled through the hands which are placed just above the body, or with light touch, or usually a combination of both. A client can opt for this combination or no contact at all, and will remain fully clothed, comfortable, and warm, lying down or sitting during treatment. Distance Reiki treatments can also be requested and are incredibly effective too.


During a brief initial consultation, pain and injuries are assessed to ensure comfort and ease for the position of the recipient and any potential contraindications to Reiki. Although there are very few contraindications! Reiki is universally supportive for physical conditions, ailments, and mental and emotional imbalances. It is also simply a great treatment for therapeutic relaxation time, giving permission to just be, at the very least.


Often recipients feel the energy in the form of heat or tingling, and can experience wave-like sensations moving around the body as blockages are clearing and the flow of energy within the body is strengthening. Recipients often find Reiki deeply relaxing, peaceful, and restorative. Within this quiet and calm space, the body and mind will drift away to complete relaxation, and sometimes meditative experiences, colours, or a complete radiance and feeling of pure love can occur.


At the end of treatment, the balance of body, mind, and spirit is restored. As Reiki kick-starts the body’s own innate healing systems and energy flow, a detox process can occur, so a glass of water is always provided at the end of treatment and it is advisable not to drink any alcohol that day.


There is also the option to enhance your Reiki treatment with therapeutic grade essential oils. Following the brief initial consultation, I will create your personalised oil blend to suit your individual requirements. The blend is then used within the session and there is plenty remaining to take home for continued aftercare.


60-minute Reiki treatment - £49. 

60-minute Reiki treatment enhanced with a personalised 10ml blend of therapeutic essential oils - £59.

30-minute distance Reiki treatment - £29.

Book a Reiki Treatment

History and Origin

Reiki is not a religion or a religious practice. However, like some religions, Reiki stems from the awareness of energy or life force. Many cultures and tribes have had such understanding of the existence of a life force that resides in each of us and connects us as a whole. The Japanese call it ‘Ki’, the Chinese call it ‘Chi’, Christians call it ‘Holy Ghost’, Hindus call it ‘Prana’, and Kahunas call it ‘Mana’. The energy we all embody and experience is the same, yet its application and theory in each culture or religion differ greatly.

Reiki is traced back to ancient Tibet thousands of years ago where the Tibetan Lamas had deep understanding of energy and the nature of both physical form and spirit. Their profound intelligence and wisdom of such phenomena led to them learning to heal their physical and spiritual selves, which in turn led them to an experience of unity. This precious knowledge was guarded and preserved by the spiritual leaders in ancient Tibet and other cultures, only available to those few who devoted their lives to spiritual practice and in turn passed it on to others by word of mouth.

In the early 19th century, a Japanese man named Mikao Usui spent a lifelong quest to uncover the source of ancient healing techniques. After years of enquiry through meditation and spiritual practices, Mikao Usui founded the ‘Society of the Usui Spiritual Energy Healing Method’, or in Japanese, the ‘Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai’. He shared this wisdom, which later became known to the modern world as Reiki. Mikao Usui was a gifted martial artist holding the highest level of proficiency, a well-known healer, Tendai priest, and spiritual teacher of his time. He created a simple, natural, and effective form of healing, as well as it being a guide for reaching spiritual enlightenment in this lifetime. His teachings reached the West in 1937 through the lineage of his students, eleven years after he had passed away.

In Person Reiki Training Course

I am pleased to offer in-person Reiki training with the wonderful Devon Counselling College at their Newton Abbot venue, and the beautiful retreat space of The Mulberry Rooms in Abbotskerswell. I will also still be offering courses in Brixham/other venues and on other dates upon request.

Online Reiki Training Course

For online Reiki training, please visit Stella Grace Holistics Online School at:

Reiki Training - (IN-PERSOn)

Level I

Level I dates for 2024 at Devon Counselling College, Newton Abbot




Held at Devon Counselling College, Newton Abbot


Level I dates for The Mulberry Rooms, Abbotskerswell

  • Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th November


 £149 (£70 deposit to book your place. Deposit non-refundable unless prior agreement or course is unforseeably cancelled).

The first step of Reiki training is to focus initially on ourselves, to self-heal, and to learn to become ‘a clear channel’ for giving Reiki treatments for others. During this training, you will learn how to share this ancient healing technique as a hands-on therapy, both for self-treatment and for treating others, such as friends, family, and pets. You will receive four attunements at Level I.


Each attunement is a process of initiating and opening you to the vibration of Reiki energy (Universal Life Force energy). This is taught as it was when originally passed through the lineage of Masters to Students, originally from Mikao Usui, Reiki’s Founder, in Japan in the early 19th century. With each attunement, the level of vibration in energy is raised to enable the student to embrace a higher and wider channel of Reiki (Universal Life Force) energy. Each attunement realigns you a step further with the natural functions of your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states.


This two-day course is both the foundation of the ongoing Reiki journey and a holistic tool in it's own right. As well as learning how to provide Reiki for others, self-heal, and attain the 4 attunements, it is also a course for profound spiritual development in itself. Traditionally, the external focus of Level I teaches how to heal on a physical level, yet internally the focus is about how to become a clear channel. It teaches students to allow healing and flow to take place without one’s conscious mind interfering in the therapeutic process. It is a platform for a profound depth of learning, as well as the initial step prior to Reiki Level II (Practitioner) and Reiki Level III (Master Teacher) for those interested in continuing their Reiki journey.


A course manual and certificate is provided.

Level I Dates for 2024 at Brixham venue (please request other preferable dates if these dont suit you using the Contact Me section):

  • Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th October
  • Thursday 7th and Friday 8th November

  • Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th December


Brixham Venue

£149 (£70 deposit to book your place. Deposit non-refundable unless prior agreement or course is unforseeably cancelled).

Click below to make direct payment for your deposit via my PayPal email address or phone number to reserve your place. Joining instructions will be sent upon receipt of deposit.

If you would prefer to pay by direct bank transfer, please send to bank details:

Name: Stella Grace Allen

Bank: Monzo (business)

Sort Code: 04-00-03

Account: 91601670

Book your place

Or connect with me to ask any questions or discuss your booking.

connect with me

I offer further support and a monthly ‘Reiki Share’ for your continued development on the Reiki journey, 12-2pm, £17 (please contact me for the next available date).


There are no prerequisites to Level I but it is advisable that you have experienced a Reiki treatment yourself at some point before coming along to a course. Please enquire if you would like to book in a Reiki treatment before your training.


For online Reiki training of all levels, head over to Stella Grace Holistics Online School at:

Level II

Level II Dates for 2024 (Held at Devon Counselling College, Newton Abbot)
Please request other preferable dates if these dont suit you using the Contact Me section




Held at Devon Counselling College, Newton Abbot

£249 (£120 deposit to book your space)

Level II is a two-day training and is a deepening of the awareness and quality of the flow of Reiki that has been embedded at Level I. It provides a platform for those wishing to deepen their Reiki practice in the holistic field. The student is introduced to three sacred symbols and how they are used as healing tools. The symbols and attunements at this stage teach how to enhance the effectiveness of the physical level treatment introduced within Level I, how to carry out treatments at deeper psycho-emotional levels, and how to perform distance or remote treatments (for people who are not physically present with you).


There are two attunements given in Level II. With each attunement, the level of vibration in energy is raised to enable the student to embrace a higher and wider channel of Reiki (Universal Life Force) energy. Each attunement realigns you a step further with the natural functions of your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. Some will choose to become a Reiki Practitioner at this stage, others will choose to simply deepen their current practice, and some will choose to go on to the Reiki Master Teacher Level.


A course manual and certificate is provided.

Level II Dates for 2024 at Brixham venue (please request other preferable dates if these dont suit you using the Contact Me section):


  • Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd December                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9.30am-2.30pm

Brixham Venue

£249 (£120 deposit to book your space)

Click below to make direct payment for your deposit via my PayPal email address or phone number to reserve your place. Joining instructions will be sent upon receipt of deposit.

If you would prefer to pay by direct bank transfer, please send to bank details: 

Name: Stella Grace Allen

Bank: Monzo (business)

Sort Code: 04-00-03

Account: 91601670

Book your place

Or connect with me to ask any questions or discuss your booking.

connect with me

I offer further support and a monthly ‘Reiki Share’ for your contiuned development on the Reiki journey following each course, 12-2pm, £17, (please contact me to book onto the next available date).


Level I is a pre-requisite to this course. If you have not completed Level I with me then you will need to provide the appropriate certification upon booking.


For online Reiki training of all levels, head over to Stella Grace Holistics Online School at:

Level III

Level III Dates for 2024 (Held at Devon Counselling College, Newton Abbot)
Please request other preferable dates if these dont suit you using the Contact Me section


  • 10.00am-2.00pm

Held at Devon Counselling College, Newton Abbot

 £359 (£150 deposit to book your space)

At Level III on this two-day course, the practitioner will learn and practise the ability to initiate and attune others to Reiki, as well as continuing and deepening yet further their connection to the sacred and therapeutic art of Reiki. The fourth sacred symbol is introduced, the Master symbol. It’s use as a healing tool is explored in this course, as well as the significance and delivery of the initiation and attunement processes for your future students. There is one final attunement ceremony that takes place during Level III. This completes the full Usui Shiki Ryoho method of Reiki training that enables Reiki Masters to begin to teach and attune others if they wish, as well as to continue delivering a deeper therapeutic treatment of Reiki in itself due to the rise in vibration received at this level.


A course manual and certificate is provided.

Level III Dates for 2024 at Brixham venue (please request other preferable dates if these dont suit you using the Contact Me section):

  • Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October

  • Thursday 14th and Friday 15th November
  • Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th November

  • Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December


Brixham Venue

£359 (£150 deposit to book your space)

Click below to make a direct payment for your deposit via my PayPal email address or phone number to reserve your place.

If you would prefer to pay by direct bank transfer, please send to bank details: 

Name: Stella Grace Allen

Bank: Monzo (business)

Sort Code: 04-00-03

Account: 91601670

Book your place

Or connect with me to ask any questions or discuss your booking.

connect with me

I offer further support and a monthly ‘Reiki Share’ for your continued development on the Reiki journey after each course, 12-2pm, £17 (please get in touch to book the next available date for this).


Level I and II are a pre-requisite to Level III. If you have not completed Level I and II with me, then you will need to provide the appropriate certification upon booking.


For Reiki online courses at all levels, head over to Stella Grace Holistics Online School at:

Connect with me to find out more about my Reiki treatments and training courses.