Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master and Intuitive Card Reader.

Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Card Reader.

Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Card Reader.

Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Card Reader.

Stella Grace

Writer, Speaker, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Intuitive Card Reader.

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Welcome to my BLOG... an inventory of my musings, astrology posts, articles and holistic healthcare experience. My blog is based purely on my own personal experience and inspiration and is intended to hopefully inspire and support you, however if you are concerned about any health condition, ALWAYS consult with your doctor, before beginning any new healthcare regimes to ensure they are suitable for you individually - we are all so unique in our wellbeing needs!


Enjoy! Stella Grace x

  • 16/10/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Full Moon Fire & Intensity!

    This week's astrology and beyond. Plus, wellness tips for riding these energies...

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  • 09/10/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Eclipse Aftercare, and Transitioning With Autumn

    Welcome to this week's blog and the Autumn vibes that are transitioning us to a more inner focus for the Winter months ahead.

    As a Summer baby through and through, I can sometimes struggle with this transition, although, as we know with a cyclical nature of life and growth, eternal sunshine is just not possible! And actually, what this journey towards a more inner experience is offering, is some deep nourishment and transformation - if we are prepared to get still enough to absorb and hear it.

    Taking the learning from the previous three quarters of this calender year and seeing how we would like to shape the final quarter is beneficial at this time. Any plans we want to wrap up or continue with may require a degree of our attention as the Festive Season approaches. This can be regards our inner and outer focus, and to ensure plans run as successfully as possible, I know I will be requiring a greater degree of attention on planning time for me as well as for other tasks.

    We have navigated big transformative energies with the recent Eclipses, and the residue of their learning may still be underway or felt. Personally, I am still integrating some beautiful but extensive learning from the Eclipse period and am also being urged on a daily basis to slow down. Not always easy for a Sagittarius Moon-Sign!

    If you’re not already taking time within your schedule simply for you, this is your reminder (and mine!) to do so. This is not only imperative due to what can often feel like a quickening towards the end of the year with Festive energy and often, extra commitments. Yet it is also organic to the Seasonal energy to slow down and take stock of our reserves to see us through the cold months ahead.

    For me, this looks like time in the diary around external commitments to ground, get amongst the beautiful Autumnal oranges, and implement a reminder from nature to let go of anything no longer needed. I also have, of course, scheduled time in my happy place of sanctuary, the Sea.

    I invite you to think about what nourishes your soul in Autumn, and generally. We can be of better service to others after we have been of service to ourselves first. The old adage is certainly true, we can’t pour from an empty cup. The Libra/Aries axis being activated at this time also reminds us of our healthy independence within relationships.

    If you would like to book some discounted self-care for yourself or as a gift for others, check out my socials, the Memberships page of this website, or get in touch. I have some amazing opportunities with offers on self-care, monthly memberships, and festive gifts with meaning at the moment.

    You may also wish to check out my YouTube channel and visit 'Eclipse Aftercare', to inspire and integrate learning from this time of upgrade and alignment. 

    Enjoy the Autumnal vibes, much love, Stella x 

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  • 02/09/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Happy New Moon in Purifying, Earth Sign Virgo!

    Happy New Moon in purifying Earth sign Virgo on 3rd Sept at 2.55am. It’s a big one, and it’s kicking off Eclipse Season! With loads of poignant astrology around it, thank goodness Virgo is bringing Earth Goddess and self-care vibes to the table! 

    New Moons are a super time to begin the new lunar month with opportunity for fresh intentions, a big dose of manifestation potential, and support in taking the action steps that ensure the seeds we plant will grow strong.  

    Virgo energy is queen for strengthening healthier routines that nourish us on every level. She asks where can we level up in our acts of service, to Self and others. Is this New Moon calling for you to upgrade your self-care regime? 

    Choose achievable additions or changes that will be realistic to maintain, and get clear on how they will be implemented within your schedule. 

    Is it a tweak to nutrition, fitness, or creating better sleep hygiene by prioritising earlier nights without screen time, for example? Is it bringing in more spiritual practice to soothe the soul, such as grounding or journaling more often? 

    The Sun and Moon are opposite Saturn, meaning this New Moon wants us to get serious and knuckle down, whilst a square to Jupiter means we are challenged to assess how we ‘do’ abundance and freedom. 

    All in all, this sobering opportunity can be utilised into beautiful habits of service to Self. Just be mindful to think, speak and act with kindness and support whilst doing so as Virgo energy can be perfectionist, whilst Saturn is authoritarian. There is no whip needed here to bring in a little more healthy alignment to areas of health. 

    To celebrate all things Virgo Season, I am soon launching Evolve With Grace Memberships, for those who prioritise and schedule their holistic health with discounted monthly treatments/services, plus a loooad of other membership benefits! Coming soon!

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  • 19/08/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Full Moon in Aquarius - Let Life Surprise You!

    Full Moon in Aquarius bringing some radical energy with it! Exact at 19.25 UK time on the 19th, with a synergistic potency for potential change and revolution.

    The Sun in Leo opposite the Moon in Aquarius, gives the illuminated appearance and a polarity of balancing the belief in ourselves with recognising our part within the collective. How our droplet of individual uniqueness has an impact in the sea of our global community, and vice versa.

    Evolved aspects of both Leo and Aquarius share authenticity without the need of approval from others. As Full Moons illuminate both evolved and shadow aspects present of any influences, it’s worth a check in to see if there’s any unhealed shadows vying for our attention and release. In this case, are we waiting for validation from others, or can we gift that to ourselves, exactly as we are? Are we solely dancing to the tune of society’s expectations of us, or are we living bravely enough to venture down our own path of that which brings us joy?

    The Sun and Moon also squaring Uranus gives a dynamic of challenge requiring action as we are asked to be revolutionary, both in our conscious decision-making, communication, and all our endeavours. Maybe it’s a new way of living, or a whole new version of ourselves that wants to birth at this time.

    Just remember that our confidence and sovereignty to make changes or to find solidity in self is the key to warming not only our own hearts but hearts around us. Considering our collective network and that we are in this crazy thing called life together!

    Venus is especially active too by opposing Saturn to give an enhanced seriousness (or potential deepening) to relationships, with ourselves and with others. Another aspect from Venus to our planet of abundance and extravagance, Jupiter, reminds us to take stock of our inner and outer resources, both emotionally and physically, ensuring we cap unnecessary spending and remember the beauty in simplicity. As Mars, our planet of conflict is also in this mix, soothing self-care and nothing but kindness before acting or speaking is crucial for maintaining calm with our loved ones and connections.

    Enjoy exploring how your life may be calling for inner and outer freedom and dynamism at the start of this new week and beyond. And as someone wise recently reminded me, ‘let life surprise you’.

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  • 26/07/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Welcome to Leo Season!

    Welcome to Leo Season! The bold, confident, courageous Fire sign that is bringing warmth, fun and play to the collective energy for the Solar month ahead!

    With the planet Venus also in the romantic and loyal sign of Leo too we have a beautiful enhancement for our love & relationships! This of course relates to relationships of all kinds, so whether you’re single or committed, turn up the heat on loving gestures from the heart ♥️

    Leo energy is solid and sovereign in its own light, and in being so naturally warms those around them. We can all utilise these fun and warm feels at any time, whatever our sign.

    As I always say, don’t feel a need to wait for specific astrological events to bring in the energy we wish to see, whenever we choose to! It’s just that these events bring heightened opportunities should we wish to take them up!

    Happy Leo Season! ♌️

    #writer #speaker #author #astrologer #positivemedia #unity #evolve #with #grace #venus #sun #leoseason #venusinleo #suninleo #love #fun #romance #play #astrology #selflove #selfdevelopment #selfdevelopmenttools


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  • 19/07/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    July Full Moon in Capricorn

    The second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row and with another opportunity for bringing balance to our work/home life. We can expect a few other twists and turns with Uranus and Pluto in the mix!

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  • Stella with a surf board at the beach
    04/07/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Cancer New Moon - July

    'The Ultimate Divine Feminine Archetype'

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  • Stella Grace
    04/07/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    What a weekend we have ahead!

    The Midsummer Solstice on the 20th is hooking-up with a Capricorn Full Moon during the very next night, so we can be sure of some powerful synergy influencing us.

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  • Stella Grace Gemini New Moon
    10/06/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Gemini New Moon 6/6

    Happy New Moon in Gemini.

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  • Stella Grace Skateboarding
    23/05/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Happy Full Moon in fun and freedom-seeking Fire sign, Sagittarius, exact on the 23rd May at 14:53

    We are now well into the build-up and have a few days either side to play with this energy - play being the appropriate word!

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  • New Moon Rich Ground
    03/05/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    This week’s astrology update

    We explore the Taurus New Moon on the 8th and the rest of the astrological weather for the week ahead.

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  • Stella Grace
    22/04/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    It’s a deep dive into this Scorpio Full Moon on 24th at 00:38 UK

    With Scorpio I mean intensely deep! Not to mention the packed astrology that coincides with it…

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  • 22/04/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    What a week of ground-breaking astrology!

    Also reflective of the wider generational era of revolutionary transformation we are in.

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  • Eclipse
    09/04/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Anyone else feeling the intensity in these energies?!

    We’ve got a huge push/pull contrast happening in the skies and one heck of a ride for our personal and collective evolution at this time!

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  • 25/03/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    How are you riding the Lunar Eclipse energy this weekend?

    Eclipse energy is now peaking. At 7am GMT on the 25th, the first of the two Eclipses start with the Full Moon in Libra, opposite the Sun in Aries.

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  • 25/03/2024 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Happy New Moon in the mystical and emotional depths of Water sign, Pisces, on 10th March, 9am GMT.

    The Siren archetype was demonised eons ago with the suppression of organic feminine power because Sirens knew how to use their voices and natural gifts unapologetically and authentically.

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  • Skateboard
    01/04/2021 - Stella Grace 0 Comments
    Clary Sage - Taking the Horror Out of Hormones

    It might sound like there is a pun intended in the title, and yes, in some way it is a play on words. However, whilst I always try and keep a sense of uplift and the lighter side of life at play, there is no joke about how debilitating and horrendous hormonal issues can be! Both for those living with them and for their loved ones. It is not something to be taken lightly as those of you who resonate will understand and not always an easy issue to try and tackle. Thankfully though, there is good news and support that I can vouch for experientially and will explain later below.

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